CILR has been present at a number of major events in recent months. These photos are a glimpse at how CILR is acting on its commitment to educating about Israel’s legal rights: by gifting the book to people of influence, participating in and sponsoring events such as Im Tirtzu’s annual conference, attending the Israeli American Council’s National Conference, and co-sponsoring two presentations by Dr Martin Sherman of the Israel Institute of Strategic Studies, in Toronto.
Enjoy our photo journey, view the videos, feedback appreciated!
Goldi Steiner & Irving Weisdorf Co-Chairs
The 3rd IM TIRTZU Panel discussion was held on December 10th 2018 at the Kabala Centre in Tel Aviv:
(L-R): Moderator – Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg, Panelists Yishai Fleisher, Colonel (res.) and Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Yishai Fleisher (above centre) said that the false narrative of the other side is easy to digest and to accept, while our narrative requires much more understanding. According to Fleisher, the other side likes the 29th of November so much because according to their narrative that was the original idea for the two state solution. "And these people are saying, that is how Israel was born – as being two states for two people. So everything that is going on now with the 'settlers' is against the way the state was envisioned. But of course, this is incorrect."
Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Colonel (res.), pictured above, stressed the lack of teaching of our legal rights in Israel's education system.
"There's a problem, a bug, in Israel's education system starting from the founding of the state, after which they stopped teaching the youth about our modern/legal rights to the land – not connected to our religious and historical rights, but our modern rights, acknowledged by the international community, to live in Israel as a sovereign nation. And the majority of the Israeli public has never heard about this in school."
4th Panel – Ariel University, December 17, 2018
Panelists (L to R) - journalist Dr. Revital Amiran, Former member of Knesset Sharon Gal, Maj. Gen. Gershon HaCohen; Moderator – TV personality Maayan Adam
Sharon Gal and Revital Amiram had a heated debate, with Gal criticizing the "utopia that the "wishful thinkers" on the left sold us".
"We have become captives to the vision and utopia that the Israel left has sold us, that there is a partner with whom we can make peace," said Gal. "And if we are only better and more generous, or stop talking about all of Judea & Samaria, and we'll compromise on territory, and agree on only West Jerusalem as Israel's capital, then everything will be okay. But what's the reality? Exactly the opposite!"
"We are here, because only we have rights to the land," continued Gal, "and the Left is unable to explain what rights the other 'nation' has that makes us 'occupiers.' Until 1967, this land was not in the hands of any Palestinian nation. To say that there has never been a Palestinian people throughout history is for some reason considered radical, but it is a simple historical fact that you can't argue with."
Gershon HaCohen emphasized that there is no occupation, and said that Israel cannot survive if it retreats to the 1949 armistice lines: "In January 1996, we handed Area A and Area B over to the Palestinian Authority, and since that point there has been no occupation. There is No Occupation. We learned from what happened in Oslo, we learned from what happened in Gush Katif. I am saying this, also from a military standpoint, the State of Israel cannot survive if it retreats to the [1949 armistice] lines. No chance. My solution is to bring 3 million Jews to Judea and Samaria. Area C needs to be Israeli in every sense of the word."
Panelists' Discussion
Israeli American Council, National Conference, 2018
CILR delegation attended the Israeli American Council (IAC) Conference, held November 29 - December 4th in Florida.
IAC National Conference brings together Jewish American, Israeli-American, and Israeli participants “to explore the most pressing issues facing the Jewish people and the State of Israel with influential thought leaders, entrepreneurs, national political and civic leaders, diplomats, and award winning journalists.” Outstanding presentations were given by individuals promoting Israeli culture, representing Christian Zionism, teaching pro-Israel advocacy on college campuses and across the American school system, reviewing anti-Israel media bias, inviting partnerships in science and business and much much more. Of special interest for CILR is the IAC EITANIM sector, a growing community of tomorrow’s game changers, with whom CILR is aiming to cooperate in the future.
The event was attended by 3,100 ‘yordim’ and their families.
Among the impressive roster of speakers was American Vice President, Mike Pence, who gave the keynote address.
Some of the VIP’s to receive the book:
Dr. Miriam Adelson, the extraordinary wife of philanthropist Sherman Adelson, recipient of the highest honours bestowed by President Trump to an Israeli-American physician, scientist and philanthropist, November 30, 2018
Dr. Dror Eydar, Leading Columnist of Israel Hayom Israeli Daily Newspaper, November 30, 2018
Irving Weisdorf, Goldi Steiner, Shoham Nicolet, CEO IAC, November 30, 2018
Adam Milstein, Chair IAC, Goldi Steiner, Irving Weisdorf, November 30, 2018
CILR co-sponsors Dr. Martin Sherman in Toronto
Irving Weisdorf, Co-Chair CILR, introducing Martin Sherman, December 4, 2018
Dr. Martin Sherman
In presenting the reality, not the myths, of Israel’s options as regards to finding a peaceful resolution with Arab residents, under both Hamas and Palestinian Authority control, Dr. Martin Sherman pulls no punches. On Dec 4and6respectively he spoke at Beth Tikvah and at a downtown luncheon, and shared facts upon which decisions should be made, facts which have not changed in several decades, namely the geographic and demographic imperatives facing Israel that render both the two-state and the one-state solutions impossible and even dangerous.
The Audience listening to Dr. Sherman, December 4, 2018
At a special reception, former Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper received a copy of The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel
Irving Weisdorf, Stephen Harper,Andria Spindel,
Executive Director CILR, December 2018
Irwin Cotler at special event at Beth Tzedek Synagogue, Toronto
Irwin Cotler, former Canadian Justice Minister, Advocate for Human Rights, Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Committee for Human Rights, receives The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel from Goldi Steiner, December 2018
Annual Conference of IM TIRTZU, held in Tel Aviv, October 2018
Guy Bechor, Israeli Expert, TV commentator, author, lecturer, October 2018, after receiving a copy ofThe Jewish People's Rights to the Land of Israel
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