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Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights-CILR, in unison with CAEF, defy the outrageous “Day of Rage” rallies throughout US Cities, whose false crie-de-coeur in support of the poor Palestinians, visciously attacks — by chanting Anti-semitic, Anti-zionist slogans, spewing lies and misinformation — the only Jewish and the only democratic state in all of the Middle East. What business of these hooligans is it whether Israel applies sovereignty to her rightful state or not? We are proudly supporting — now and always — the efforts of The International Legal Forum - ILF, by reproducing this highly authoritative tool for all interested individuals, politicians, diplomats, students and educators who wish to better inform themselves. We re-iterate our biblical, historical and legal rights, and quote: - Prof. Ilan Troen interviewed by Rossella Tercatin (Jerusalem Post) Jews Are Indigenous to Israel Anyone seeking additional information, please follow our website: You will find an additional wealth of information, and up-to-date news on our ongoing activities, by visiting our website:, clicking on the ‘Campaign 2018-2020' tab, in addition to Videos, Publications, and more. Feel free to contact us:

To acquire the book, The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, please go to | Wishing you a healthy and enjoyable summer. Goldi Steiner & Irving Weisdorf Co-Chairs


What happened with Israel's sovereignty… and what now?

There has been a lot of media attention around Israel's plans for the application of sovereignty on Judea and Samaria. Regardless of its execution date, we've all seen the rise in misinformation and de-legitimization of Israel surrounding this topic. It is disturbing to watch how the discourse of de-legitimization is focused on legal terminology, or seemingly legal terminology, especially given that it's mostly wrong and twisted. We, therefore, believe in sharing two important messages:

  • Differentiation between law and politics

  • Sharing the correct historical facts and legal analysis as broadly and consistently as possible.

Below you can find a variety of materials – PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE THEM You can contact us to receive a logo-free version, to add your logo, translate or change any and all of the materials, according to your needs. We will continue to create more and more materials and share them with our network. Information is power, and together we can educate others and change the discourse. We've also launched the #LawsNotPolitics campaign, which will be shared on all of our social media platforms – please join and use.

The materials include: Many of these materials were made jointly with some of our most valuable partners, so we would like to also use this opportunity to thank UKLFI, thinc and many others for their contribution.

  • A full legal analysis – who has the legal rights to the territories and why

  • Short Q&A – for non-lawyers to better understand the terminology and legal status (both in Hebrew and English

  • A short video –the first in a series. Which will help make these Q&A issues more accessible on social media (below)

  • Jurists Letter – responding to an open letter published on Opinio Juris decrying the supposed illegality of Israeli "annexation plans". Signed by 100 lawyers – A huge thank you to all of you for contributing to this accomplishment.

Please share this video on your social networks with the hashtag #LawsNotPolitics


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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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