Salomon Benzimra, who co-founded Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights together with Goldi Steiner, authored many dynamic presentations in his outreach to teach and inform the public on Israel's Legal Rights. They are presented here for your review. In addition, there is an excellent video of his presentation at Israel Truth Week.
Focus on 'Occupation'
This presentation was intended to be delivered at the Israel Advocacy Conference held in New York City on November 17, 2013. Late changes in the program of the Conference led to the cancellation of this 20 minute presentation. However, a shorter address was delivered by Goldi Steiner, co-founder and Chair of CILR.
Israel - Fundamentals
The Arab-Israeli conflict is nearly one hundred years old. Of all political issues of recent times, this conflict has been the most distorted in the media, in academic circles and in international organizations.
Questions dealing with the Middle East, relations between Jews and Muslims, and the situation in the Arab and Islamic world are all emotionally charged, often with religious and racial overtones.
This presentation is intended to focus only on historical and legal facts. We believe that a solid factual base is necessary to understand a complex issue, and a prerequisite to form valid opinions leading eventually to the prospect of a lasting peace.
Israel Fundamentals_Presentation transcript.pdf (2677k)
Israel's Rights and Challenges
On November 17, 2015, the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research organized an educational event where CILR presented Israel's Legal Rights and discussed the various challenges Israel faces on that front.
A summary of the main points addressed is below.
Summary_Presentation of Nov-17-2015.pdf (547k)

Palestinian Narrative
To ponder the Arab-Israeli conflict in its present form, it is necessary to understand the Palestinian narrative.
This narrative, introduced over forty years ago, is sometimes viewed as the source of the conflict and has received broad support in the Arab world, in European capitals and in international institutions.
But does it conform to the historical and legal evidence?
Palestinian Narrative.pdf (2796k)
Politics and International Law
This presentation relates to situations where Politics clash with International Law, especially in cases which affect Israel's legal rights, as they have been recognized since 1920 at the San Remo Conference and the Mandate for Palestine.
Israel is often selectively blamed for supposed wrongdoings in spite of its incontrovertible legal rights. This is mainly the result of the ongoing “peace process,” based on a flawed premise which fuels hostility toward Israel and denigrates its established rights.
Politics and International Law - Presentation Transcript.pdf (2799k)
Rebutting anti-Israel claims
More than ever, the legal rights of Israel must be stressed and the usual challenges to these rights must be rebutted.
After a brief summary of the origin of Israel's rights under international law, we address three claims regularly advanced by Israel's opponents and we show how baseless they are.
This presentation was recorded on March 23, 2014 in Toronto by Miroslav Marinov (www.blogwrath.com) and introduced by Mark Vandermaas, founder of Israel Truth Week (www.israeltruthweek.org). The presentation is available as a PDF, and the video is presented below.
Politics and International Law - Presentation Transcript.pdf (2799k)
The Flotilla & International Law
In May-June, 2010, we witnessed an appalling outburst of accusations aimed at Israel, in the wake of the "freedom flotilla" farce.

Rarely did the whole world display such unanimity in finding Israel "guilty before proven guilty." The United Nations and its agencies, the European Union, most of the media and, it goes without saying, the whole Arab/Muslim world found Israel in breach of international law following the boarding of a Turkish vessel, the MS Mavi Marmara.
Fortunately, a few world leaders showed courage and conviction and recognized the "freedom flotilla" for the farce it was behind its "humanitarian" facade. Premysl Sobotka, the Czech Senate President, characterized the flotilla as a "planned provocation designed to entrap Israel" and he acknowledged that "many in the European Commission feel as I do but they are afraid to speak out."
Most shocking was the knee-jerk reaction of world leaders and high ranking officials in their quasi unanimous agreement that Israel was in breach of international law! The following slide-show presentation shows a sample of this pathetic array of government officials and media pundits. Their statements betray their ignorance of the international law governing blockades and vessels at sea, and stress the importance of reminding the world of the Legal Rights of Israel under International Law. This aspect of international law is certainly equally misunderstood, if not willfully ignored.
Please click to view a PowerPoint slideshow on Israel and International Law.
The Peace Process
This presentation – The ‘Peace Process’: Restore the truth – Negotiate later – was delivered at the Village Shul of Toronto on January 26, 2014, as part of a workshop including several top speakers, and very efficiently organized by Rob Walker, Renanah Goldhar-Geminer, Toby Trompeter and others.
In a nutshell: The ‘Peace Process’ between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs has been going on for over twenty years. It has only generated violence, Arab incitement and intransigence, and slanderous campaigns against Israel. Rather than pursuing this failed process, we urge politicians, academics and the media to take a close look at the foundations of the ‘Palestinian cause’ and derive their own conclusions.
PeaceProcess_RestoretheTruth_PresentationTranscript.pdf (1205k)
Truth and Israel's Rights
Israel's Legal Rights have been hidden for too long, often intentionally. The truth about this issue seems to be invconvenient, even to most Israeli leaders.
This lecture was part of Israel Truth Week and was presented in Hamilton, Ontario on March 5, 2013. The same lecture was also presented at Ryerson University on March 14.
To view the transcript, please click on the link below.
To view and download the lecture in PDF format, click on the down arrow at the right of the screen.