We want to draw your attention to the CAEF bulletin of June 24th which addresses the important question of whether Canada will respect Israeli democracy, or whether it will continue down its destructive path of trying to pressure the Israeli government to act according to Canada’s wishes and against the interests of its own people.
Please read the letter that has been sent to the Prime Minister of Canada and his cabinet, and if you like and agree, add your name as a signatory to the letter. Israel is not a banana republic to be told what to do by the P.M. of another country. Nor do Canadians feel it right to threaten another democracy when the latter does what it was elected for. Why is Israel singled out? Is this just anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-Zionism? Please join CAEF and CILR by adding your signature to this important letter.
If you wish to be added, send an email to Andria Spindel, with your NAME, PROFESSION or TRADE, and CITY OF RESIDENCE: andria@caef.ca Goldi Steiner & Irving Weisdorf Co-Chairs
June 25 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Cabinet of the Government of Canada Re: Israel’s Legal Rights Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Members of Cabinet, We write to you today to ask that you acknowledge Israel’s independence and legal rights to act as a sovereign nation in resolving its own conflicts with its neighbors, settling land issues within its borders, and establishing and ensuring civil and human rights to those who live within its borders. Today, many countries are attempting to dictate to Israel as to how and when it should resolve the 100-year-old conflict perpetuated by its Arab neighbors and residents. While the reconstituted Jewish state is only 72 years old, the Jewish people have been working to re-establish their historical home in Israel for almost 2000 years. Their legal rights were acknowledged by the world community in April 1920 at the San Remo Conference of the victorious Allied Powers, when the last colonizers, the Ottoman Turks were finally removed from the area. The San Remo Resolution was then adopted by all members of the League of Nations, including Canada, and was a foundational principle in the founding of the United Nations. Arab resistance and intransigence commenced even before the state was proclaimed. The original land granted to the Jewish people under the Mandate system was significantly larger than all of Israel today and included not only Judea and Samaria, (generally referred to by the media as the West Bank) but also land east of the Jordan that was included in the Kingdom of Jordan. Some call this, not unreasonably, the first Two-State solution. Over many decades, Israel has offered additional land to settle the hostilities to which its neighbors appear devoted. Every offer made since the 1948 Declaration of Independence has been rejected by the Arab states and the Palestinian Arabs without any counter offer, making it rather obvious to any astute observer that the only acceptable outcome for the Arab world is that Israel should cease to exist. Today, there are many countries in the world which continue for reasons, sometimes of ignorance and sometimes of prejudice, to betray Israel and expect and even demand that this very tiny country give up more. Suffice it to say, this is not a matter for other countries to dictate, and that includes Canada. And so we call upon the Government of Canada to support Israel’s decision, whatever it will be, regarding the extension of sovereignty in an area already legally its own, granted by the San Remo Resolution and the “Mandate for Palestine” -- rights that have never been abrogated according to Article 80 of the UN Charter. Israel’s sovereignty is the only guarantee that can protect its citizens and non-citizen residents, and anything less risks more lives from belligerent antisemitic enemies who have never given up their one goal—the demise of Israel. Israel is not the problem! The initiative to find a peaceful solution has always come from Israel and not the Palestinian Arab Authority (PA) and its terrorist partners, the PLO, Fatah and Hamas. Today it is common knowledge that the PA is paying terrorists to kill Jews, teaching Jew-hatred in its schools, denying Israel’s existence, denying the Holocaust that killed 6,000,000 Jews, and fabricating stories daily about Israel, while Israel provides the Arabs with medical and technical assistance, security, funding for services, and access to jobs. More than that—the Israeli Arabs enjoy all the benefits of a democratic society, which is denied to the Arabs who live under PA or Hamas rule. Many Arabs are in favour of Israel applying sovereignty. Do not make the mistake of preferring the false PA narrative and discounting Israel’s rights, its historic and legal claims and its democracy. Do not choose a terrorist regime over an ally. Recognize that the PA does not grant equal rights to women, bans or punishes LGBTQ people, jails political dissidents, does not allow freedom of religion or freedom of expression, raises children to venerate suicide bombers deny historical facts and commit other atrocities. Do not succumb to the antisemitic campaigns now being waged against Israel within Canada and globally. Canada should at minimum be consistent with its values. We call on the Government of Canada to recognize Israel’s legal rights and support its democratically elected government, (a coalition government representing over 75% of the population), and NOT oppose its decisions in regards to Judea and Samaria, decisions that affect its security and even its existence. This letter is supported by Canadians across the country, whose signatures you will find below. Respectfully,
Andria Spindel, Executive Director &
Anita Bromberg, President