Our friend and ally Mark Vandermaas of Israel Truth Week has defended Jewish people and Israel for many years against hate and misinformation. He is now using his years of experience working on Israel issues to stop the civil, human and bioethic rights abuses of people who feel the COVID vaccines are dangerous and ineffective and wish to maintain their right to bodily autonomy. His New Brunswick Freedom Project (NBFree.ca), has just produced a report entitled, Vaccine Hesitancy and the Risks of Medical Segregation Discrimination Policies. This report was mailed to every NB legislator, and Mark has already had a meeting with a Cabinet minister. It cites the Criminal Code of Canada, Nuremberg Code, UNESCO Declaration of Bioethics & Human Rights, the Charter of Rights and his team's own 9-0 Supreme Court of Canada ruling against abuse of Charter rights during an emergency (Caledonia). He exposes the myth of a COVID 'emergency' in his province, and he quotes extensively from a report by three of the hundreds of signatories to Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org) that declare the Pfizer vaccine to have a 'catastrophically bad' safety profile. Mark told us, "The lives of tens of thousands of innocent people are being torn apart over their decision to maintain their right not to consent to medical procedures they do not want. The bioethics codes put in place after the Holocaust and the sick experiments on camp inmates are being carelessly and inhumanely cast aside as though we were animals. I always thought I could imagine how Jews felt in 1935 when the Nuremberg Laws were passed to exclude them from society. I was very wrong. Today, I understand. I am a former soldier and peacekeeper who served my country in and out of uniform. As of September 22nd, my wife and I became diseased, subhuman scum unworthy of using the bathroom at Tim Hortons. Now people call us 'plague rats, and my heart weeps because I know that after the hate incited by our government comes the violence."
The report sent to New Brunswick's Members of the Legislative Assembly can be downloaded at: www.nbfree.ca/#downloads.