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The Dark Side of Holocaust Education - Dr. Ruth Wisse


Holocaust Education – has it turned against the Jews!

CILR invites you to join this lecture by the renowned and highly respected Dr. Ruth Wise on "The Dark Side of Holocaust Education”.


Thousands signed up a few weeks ago to hear Part I of Professor Ruth Wisse's provocative series on "The Liberal Betrayal of the Jews." It is our privilege to invite you to her next lecture on how we are learning (and teaching) the wrong lessons from the Shoah—all in the name of liberal tolerance.

The Dark Side of Holocaust Education Professor Ruth Wisse Thursday, May 7, 2020 | 7:30 PM EDT CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and educational programs like "Facing History" were intended to act as a deterrent against anti-Jewish aggression: "Never Again." Was this a realistic expectation? Was retelling the Nazi annihilation of one-third of the Jewish people expected to inspire confidence in the Jews or in Judaism? With anti-Semitism on the rise—and with Jewish identity and commitment among many Diaspora Jews in decline—we need to ask whether the emphasis on Holocaust education bears any responsibility. And with so much Holocaust education now focused on treating every form of national pride or particularism as the seed of hatred —all in the name of liberal pluralism — we need to ask: Has Holocaust education been turned against the Jews?

Instructions for accessing the live webcast will be sent upon registration. If you do not receive a confirmation email within several minutes, it may have landed in your spam folder. You can write us at if you encounter any trouble with your registration. Video Replay: This webcast will be recorded and posted on our website for the benefit of those in different time zones who cannot watch live. Please register for the event in order to be sure that we send you the recording.


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