April 24, 2018,
In less than 1 week over 115,000 people viewed the video, you can watch it here:
You can view the video here
According to plan, THE CAMPAIGN to educate Israeli students and the public at large about the Jewish People’s eternal Rights to Eretz Yisrael was launched on April 16th - just days before Yom Ha’atzmaut - in honour of Israel’s 70th year of independence.
Im Tirtzu (Imti.org.il/en), together with Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights, began a partnership in mid- January and together made back-breaking efforts to meet this deadline.
At the writing of this bulletin, thousands of copies of the Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel-JPRL are being distributed to students and BY students as well as by IM TIRZU’s dedicated staff and volunteers in all major Israeli higher education Institutions. Salomon Benzimra - Co-Founder together with Goldi Steiner, of Canadians For Israel’s Legal Rights - authored the book, hailed by top Israeli officials and others. See our Testimonials page.
Students throughout the country are invited to read the book and to participate in a contest by filling out a 15-point quiz based on the information in the book, which will enter them in a raffle contest offering 15,000 NIS of prizes.
Information is available by going to Our Newsletters.
This is just the beginning of a continuous campaign which will not stop until every student in Israel and eventually all students worldwide, Jewish or non-Jewish, as well as all peace-loving people everywhere learn the truth about Israel’s historic and legal rights to the homeland, the Nation-State of the Jewish People.
No student will remain ignorant and be led astray by the mountain of lies facing them when entering the toxic atmosphere of colleges and universities, even those of the highest repute.
The power of education - learning about the FACTS and TRUTH will prevail over the myths -- while lies will crumble like the Tower of Babel.
This is our quest, and we will not give up until our goal bears fruit.
We invite you to participate in this effort by making a donation to help us into Phase 2, Charitable tax receipts will be issued for both Canada and US donations.
For online donations please go to https://www.israelslegalrights.org/donate
To expedite receiving a tax receipt, please notify us of your donation date/amount.
If you choose to donate by cheque: please issue same to Mizrachi and mail to:
Goldi Steiner (CILR)
10 Prue Ave, Unit 701,
Toronto, Ontario,
M6B 1R4
Goldi Steiner - Founder and Chair
Irving Weisdorf - Co-Chair