City of Netanya inaugurated San Remo Square on April 25/2021
Local News: San Remo retraces history and relaunches friendship with Israel; Mayor Biancheri announces twinning with Netanya
Source: Radio Airole
San Remo. The April 25, 1920, to the Devachan Castle history of San Remo was written and today, 101 years after the San Remo conference which sanctioned the birth of State of Israel, the friendship between the City of Flowers and the “Chosen People” is strengthened.
In the same place that the international meeting of the Allied Supreme War Council took place 101 years ago -- when the mandates derived from the partition of the Ottoman Empire in the Near East were determined -- the Ambassador of Israel, Dror Eydar, met today in Italy with the Mayor of San Remo, Alberto Biancheri. Mr. Biancheri placed a plaque in memory of that historical meeting that still represents an important page in international relations and where decisions were made that gave birth to the Jewish state.
The representatives of the four victorious nations of the First World War participated in the 1920 summit: the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, the French Prime Minister Alexandre Millerand, the Italian Prime Minister Francesco Nitti and the Japanese ambassador Keishirō Matsui.
“In the week between the 19th and the 25th of April 1920 – the plaque reads – in this place, Villa Devachan, the representatives of the victorious powers of the First World War met to outline the new conformation of the Middle East, after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. The allied powers assigned most of the Middle East to the Arab peoples, while Palestina, the historic Biblical Land of Israel, was assigned to the Jewish people. The Balfour Declaration was also included in the adopted resolution, which provided for the re-constitution of a national home for the Jewish people in their ancient homeland. Twenty-eight years later, on May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was born. ”
“We were thinking of organizing this event last year, but God had other plans. We postponed it to this year due to the pandemic – said the Israeli ambassador to Italy, Eydar. Today, we are happy to have the opportunity to bear witness to this truth, to which the whole world must pay heed.”
In emphasizing how world leaders decided the “fate of our people after 1,850 years after the destruction of Jerusalem”, Eydar added: “For the first time, the world has recognized our rights to our ancient land, the Holy Land, the Land of ‘Israel, known as Palestine because the Emperor Hadrian wanted to make people forget the memory of the land of Judea.
«In this villa – he added – our destiny has been placed on the table of history. As a historian I am very excited -- after having read a lot of material on this historical event -- being here and imagining the history that has influenced the destiny of my parents and of our people is a great privilege for me ».
“First of all, declared the mayor of San Remo, Alberto Biancheri, I would like to thank the Israeli ambassador, Dror Eydar, for being here on this day that is so rich in meaning and that I live with great emotion.” The Mayor confessed: “Before, when we were on the steps of Devachan Castle, I was thinking about what happened more than 100 years ago and it is something extraordinary. Retrace history, think of Sanremo in that week, with heads of state, journalists, all talking about Sanremo, all the spotlights of the world illuminated our city: I therefore believe that today, beyond all meanings, it is emotion that prevails over everything ».
The mayor of the City of Flowers also wanted to thank the mayor of Netanya, an Israeli tourist town, who dedicated a square for Sanremo, in memory of April 25, 1920: “I want to thank the mayor of this tourist town of about 30 thousand inhabitants overlooking the Mediterranean Sea towards Italy, towards Sicily – said Biancheri – I can imagine this square looking at us right now ». Between Sanremo and Israel, he added: “Relationships are consolidating even more, but what matters in this moment is to remember the history, our territory, our city and to thank all those who made this possible. day”. “We would have liked to organize an open public meeting, it was not possible due to the pandemic, but there will be other occasions”, he concluded, anticipating that Sanremo is working” for a twinning with Netanya “which should take place next spring.
Source: Radio Airole