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Our Personal Appreciation and appeal


Students being educated by Im Tirtzu, about CILR’s book, The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, by Salomon Benzimra


Dear Attendees and Registrants of our San Remo 101 Celebration,

Quoting Anne Frank, who said: "No-one has ever become poor by giving"

Your chance to help make a difference and change the narrative about Israel and our rights to our homeland.

Your contributions will be paramount to our collective effort.


We reach out to you with our personal appreciation for your interest in this historic event.

Our webinar has spurred a great deal of interest with over 950 registrations and 500 zoom attendees filling our webinar to capacity.

We have received encouraging feedback from across the globe, i.e. Australia, Gibraltar, Europe, USA, and Canada, acknowledging the importance of San Remo, and our duty to educate the world about Israel’s Legal Rights.

As MK Uzi Dayan, said: “Remembering is not enough—we have to do something about it.”

And “Doing something about it” is our next step, and why we are reaching out to you.

The following projects are being planned, and are in the process of implementation

  1. Educational Package on Israel’s Legal Rights is what we plan to introduce to youth organizations and into the US and Canadian school systems. We are hopeful that this will result in the distribution of an educational curriculum that could be offered, not only to Canadian and American schools, but also to politicians and to the general public worldwide, including proponents of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism/Antizionism. We intend to have our educational package to counter the State of California recent curriculum – so called ‘ethnic studies’ -- as stated in this article. As you know, it is in schools and on campuses that AntiZionism is allowed to spread under the guise of free speech. Students blindly follow peer hearsay without ever learning about the complicated set of facts that surround the creation of the State of Israel. It is OUR duty to educate them, to teach them the facts.

  2. Annual Essay Contest We need to engage the younger generation, asking them to create an essay about a chapter in our book dealing with important historical occurrences that led to the formation of the State of Israel.

  3. Debunking the “Occupation” Lie and other myths , in conjunction with Im Tirtzu. Antisemites and Israel-bashers around the world employ the "Big Occupation Lie" – the unfounded and utterly baseless idea that Israel illegally occupies "Palestinian land." The "Big Occupation Lie" is one of the most pernicious lies used to discredit, demonize, and delegitimize the Jewish state. The so called “Occupation” by our enemies is the crux of the matter at this time. By debunking their lies, the premise on which they base their lies, will automatically crumble like the tower of Babel.

Given this, we have launched a large-scale campaign, which is already underway.

In order to pursue our many goals, we are asking for your help. Our work is crucial, and we must step up to meet the challenge!

Should this lie continue to grow in Israel, it will gradually undermine the perceived justness of the Zionist cause and will consequentially corrode the Jewish state from within.

Given this, we have launched a large-scale campaign aimed at debunking the occupation lie.

In order to pursue our many goals, we are asking for your help. Our work is crucial, and we must step up to meet the challenge!

Education is the only way forward.

If we do not do it, who will? If not now, when?

We count on you for support: No amount is too little, not amount is too large.

The book: The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, by Salomon Benzimra is available: |

Also available by contacting:


Make a donation, please donate using to the link below:

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