The article is the writers’ opinion
If ever there was controversy, it is now. Many fear that the changes taking place in the Middle East means giving up our Rights to the Land. There is no such thing; not legally, not morally. “Our Rights are eternal….and shall never be relinquished” -- Jabotinsky. Delay at this time is prudent. Timing is everything. Let’s take a deeper look: The Trump deal of January, was a ‘kiss of death’ for Israel, and Trump is smart enough to know that. It was merely an unmasking of the PA’s Intransigence. The Real deal of the Century is unfolding before our eyes. It is the UAE Normalization. The Iran threat is an ominous dark cloud looming above us. We must believe what they say. “Israel should be wiped off the earth”. Had we believed Hitler, and not dismissed his threats, would that not have changed our destiny? The Deal of the Century is a historic turning point in Israeli-Arab relationships. We desperately need to apply sovereignty, but without jeopardizing the final agreement with the UAE Normalization. Our enemy – Iran – is at our doorsteps. Security first! No one talks about the Palestinian Arabs at this point. Does that not say: What Israel does next, is her own Business, and no one else’s?! Sovereignty will follow at the right time, and this time not over 30%, not 40%, but 100%! Enough of the salami technique! F35’s? Everything in its own good time. Goldi Steiner
to ill spirited-pernicious article published in the McGill Daily on July 1, 2020 RESPONSE AUTHORED By Dr. David Nussbaum Ret. U of T Professor of Psychology CILR’s member of the Advisory Committee Read the response here
JUST FOR LAUGHS! Sarsour is a Zionist. You don’t believe it? Watch: Linda Sarsour believes in Israel
The following idea started out as a joke, but the more we think about it the more it is becoming a task of the highest order. Educating the UAE populace (students and all) about Israel’s Legal Rights is something to be given serious thought. It must be incorporated into the UAE Normalization -- Deal of the Century.
Here is the thing: The UAE quadrupled its donation to UNRWA from $12 million dollars a year n 2017 to $51 million dollars per annum in 2019. UAE funds flow to UNRWA at a time when UNRWA education is based on three principles, according to a think tank’s examination of all 364 Arab textbooks used by UNRWA:
Challenging legitimacy of the Jewish State, asserting that Jews have no place in the Middle East
Demonizing Jews
Education, starting with toddlers learning Jew hatred and incitement learnt from the (cradle) mother’s milk all the way to higher education.
This issue must be included in the UAE Normalization agreement, and Hussein bin Ibrahim Al Hammad, Minister of Education and Higher Education, and Cabinet Minister is the man to contact.
Normalization must deal with this issue. Read more
HAD THE PALESTINIANS WANTED A STATE, THEY COULD HAVE HAD IT. But neither a State nor Peace is on their Agenda Their only interest is to keep the Aid Funds flowing The PA never missed an opportunity to miss and opportunity. Read More
Money Trumps All (Not Donald J Trump) BIAS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, AND WHAT FUELS IT "FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL" Watch: Covert Cash - What US universities don't want you to know about their foreign funding
'There's No Such Thing As A ‘Palestinian' by MARK VANDERMAAS -- CILR Advisor
CILR advisor, Mark Vandermaas of Israel Truth Week was recently asked by a pro-Israel friend to review a book with the provocative title, 'There's No Such Thing As A Palestinian' which outlines the reasons why the gentile author (who once tried to join the IDF) feels a Jewish National one-state solution is the only choice for Israel. Mark's long-held belief, of course, is that focusing on solutions when 98% of pro-Israel people have never even read Israel's modern land rights -- derived from the San Remo Conference and the Mandate for Palestine -- is counter-productive, but he promised to do an honest review. Without endorsing the author's conclusion, he carefully considers it as he likely becomes the first pro-Israel advocate to explore the difference between 'solutions' and 'choices' from Israel's perspective. Mark's review can be found here.
NOTE from CILR: Mark is available to hold lectures and for Webinars on the subject of: The Mandate for Palestine:
Last but not least, we wish all our friends, associates and followers, on this very unusual Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, a better year next year. May this year be the worst of all the years to come. Let us embrace the blessings in our lives; joy from our children, from our families, and our friends