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Stand Up to BDS, a Campaign of Antisemitism -- CILR-CAEF Bulletin October 11, 2019


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Businesses in Canada that We Recommend You Support

One organization in Canada that relentlessly attacks Israel, spreads lies and continuously promotes a double standard, denigration and  demonization of Israel is ironically called Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East. A review of their website, past campaigns, election analysis and speaker events, confirms that CJPME isn’t about justice or peace, but is a one-sided, misguided, ill-informed campaign against Israel. This organization ignores the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism and can be  shown to fly in the face of this now internationally accepted standard which calls out antiZionism and BDS as antisemitic. At no time has CJPME condemned the terrorism and violence against Israelis nor injustices against minorities and women in many Middle Eastern countries. Their promotion of BDS is antisemitic, so based on their own biased postings, here are the businesses CAEF encourages you to support:

Truths that CJMPE and other Israel – Bashers Need to Learn

A Spoken Testament to the Antisemitism of BDS

This speech by US Democratic Congressman Charles Schumer highlights the true intent of BDS, the destruction of Israel. BDS incorporates rhetoric that includes the denial that Jews are a nation, and a people entitled to a State.

What is BDS-other than an antisemitic organization making fake claims?

BDS claims to be about human rights but targets Israel which follows the rule of law,  is democratic, and adheres to a civil rights framework. BDS ignores autocratic, theocratic, misogynist, authoritarian regimes.

It claims to be campaigning for peace yet targets Israeli peace initiatives such as the integrated work force of Soda Stream. BDS ignores violence and murder and even supports the actions of Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

It claims to be anti-racist but only targets Israel. Jews and Arabs are equally protected by the Law in the Jewish state. BDS is antisemitic! Im Tirtzu, a partner with our Israel’s Legal Rights Program states it well.

Some Good News About Israel’s Actions Against BDS


And at the United Nations

The interim report by Special Rapporteur, Ahmed Shaeed, identified antisemitism from all sides of the political spectrum and called for action.

Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights partnered with the European Coalition 4 Israel (EC4I) to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the San Remo Conference. EC4I has just participated for the 9th year at the UN General Assembly High Level Week, and provides this important and encouraging report.

Others Fighting BDS, A Most Virile Form of Antisemitism

From time to time we have mentioned other organizations with which we have partnered or supported or whose work we want to highlight. There are many Jewish and non-Jewish organizations fighting the good fight,  many are single focused, but all share a significant mission--to eradicate the evil and ever-present danger of antisemitism. Two that we are highlighting this week are the Maccabee Task Force and Herut Canada. Both are spin offs or affiliates of American based organizations.


The Maccabee Task Force founded in 2015 is dedicated to fighting antisemitism on college campuses in the US and recently moved into Canada.

Herut Canada is a Zionist movement dedicated to social justice, the unity of the Jewish people, and the territorial integrity of the Land of Israel. The organization operates in Montreal and Toronto, encourages Aliyah, and supports the right of Jewish communities to live and thrive throughout all of the land of Israel, including in Judea and Samaria.

The AMCHA Initiative is dedicated to investigating, documenting, educating about, and combating antisemitism at institutions of higher education in America, focusing on protecting Jewish students from both direct and indirect assault and fear while attending colleges and universities. AMCHA Initiative’s research arm carries out systematic, in-depth research and analysis of antisemitic activity. The most recently released report is tremendously important, for it highlights the increase in antisemitic attacks on college campuses in the US and the contribution of faculty to the increased anti-Israel climate that pervades antisemitism. Here are a few statements from the summary of the report:

Dramatic Increase in Faculty Role: Faculty took a much more active and prominent role in academic BDS promotion and implementation, and in the promulgation of anti-Semitic expression used to justify academic BDS.

  • Incidents of academic BDS promotion or attempted implementation involving individual faculty or academic departments nearly quadrupled.

  • Events sponsored by academic departments that contained the demonization or delegitimization of Israel increased by 85%.

  • Departmentally-sponsored events at which one or more speakers advocated for or condoned violence against Israel or Israel’s elimination nearly tripled.

What about the Other Synagogue Attacks?

By Daniel Bordman

In the wake of the horrific synagogue attack in Halle, Germany, the Jewish community is doing what it does best.  Coming together for a period of mourning before sticking its head back into the sand to ignore the real issues surrounding modern antisemitism.

We need to be able to call a spade a spade here.  The attack on the Halle Synagogue is a symptom not the real disease, and the only reason it has garnered any attention is because the perpetrator was a white neo-Nazi.  The identity of this particular perpetrator serves the narrative of the media and the mainstream political parties, now most conveniently, that it is Right wing, Nationalism, Nazism that we ought most to fear.  This is convenient for them, and showing Jews in grief, pushed the point home even further. Anyone who argues that there are other anti-Semites is exposed to a hammering by the opposition.

It is only a matter of time before this attack on Jews is used as a justification for internet censorship or gun confiscation, furthering resentment of Jews by helping to push the narrative that Jewish sensitivity is a reason that individual rights need to be curtailed.

But let’s be honest, when has any European government shown enough concern about antisemitism to take serious steps to curtail it, to actually defeat it? It is particularly galling because the German government recently acknowledged and passed a resolution to support the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in recognizing that antiZionism is antisemitism.

Be Counted, Combat Antisemitism: Take The Pledge!

Those three words summarize what the organization Combat Antisemitism is about; everyone working together can combat and we hope defeat antisemitism. While this is a US based NGO, the effort has partners in Canada and Israel. Every individual can Take the Pledge.  This excerpt from the website explains why every individual should sign and every organization that is fighting antisemitic bigotry should join:

This effort is intended to be non-partisan.  Individuals and organizations from all backgrounds and interests passionate about eradicating anti-Semitism in the world are encouraged to join the campaign. The intention of this site is to enhance, not replace or diminish,  the important work of the many incredible organizations in this country and around the world, engaged in the fight against anti-Semitism.

CAEF has become a partner and we urge others to do so. Here is an impressive list of collaborative organizations committed to this campaign

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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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