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Amidst the many manifestations of declaring the San Remo Conference a most momentous event in the history of Israel and the Jewish people, a single call was made to match the significance of San Remo 1920, with April 26, 2020. An official statement was read by CILR’s Co-CHAIR, Goldi Steiner.


One hundred years ago, the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers granted Israel her MAGNA CARTA. And today, one hundred years later, in the spirit of its 100th anniversary we call on the Government of Israel to declare April 25th each year The San Remo National Holiday. Mr. Prime Minister, TIME IS OVERDUE - Declare San Remo a National Holiday. MAKE IT YOUR LEGACY THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND HISTORY WILL REMEMBER YOU! May we also wish you Mazal Tov and further success in leading our country to ever greater heights. Chazak Veematz AM YISRAEL CHAI!


April 26, 2020, was and will remain a Day to Remember. Countless voices, by world-renown legal experts, authors, politicians have been heard throughout the day. and days preceding, proclaiming Israel’s and the Jewish People’s irrefutable Rights to the Land of Israel, recognized in San Remo on April 25th, 1920, and confirmed by the Mandate for Palestine, signed by 51 members of the League of Nations. CILR and Im Tirtzu’s All Day Program has brought to world attention the truth, that Israel is the rightful indigenous owner of the land.


Some Media coverage, and link to the Video Playlist

The Videos received 80,000 views in Israel, and 595 views locally, at the end of the program and still counting.

After 100 years it is incumbent on the Government of Israel to proclaim with pride - once and for all: We have historical, biblical, legal and Indigenous Rights to the land of Israel. No ifs, No buts, No delays! Enough of the endless Palestinian Arab lies of “Occupation” and other myths. Suggestion by Professor Kontorovich: “Rename the embarrassing Kuf Tet B’November St. in Jerusalem and elsewhere to “San Remo St.” Quoting Professor Avi Bell: “The law does not implement itself. It Takes ACTION to defend oneself”. Matan Peleg aptly and proudly said: “We, CILR and IMTI are not a ‘think tank’. We, together, are the boots on the ground!" Irving Weisdorf stressed: "The work of CAEF -- Fighting Antisemitism -- which today manifests itself as Anti-Zionism, is to make it clear that we have internationally-recognized Legal Rights to the land. This fact is often ignored even by Jews." Here is a simple step, that no one can oppose: DECLARE SAN REMO A NATIONAL HOLIDAY This request should be shouted from every rooftop by every Israeli citizen, aided by Jews the world over. What can be simpler than that? More information in our next bulletin!


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