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This is our Clarion Call - Feb 12, 2020





Our ground-breaking campaign was announced in the J Post

Co-Chairs of Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights, Goldi Steiner (right) and Irving Weisdorf (left), with Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon.

The Occupation Lie is based on incorrect facts. BDS is based on and fueled by the Occupation Lie. And Antisemitism, whether camouflaged as Anti-Zionism or not, manifests itself in all its ugliness around the world, because no one is disputing these facts. Once again the Jews are seen as vipers, this time not stealing money but stealing land. The Left and the Islamists are watching gleefully as they repeat the Big Lie a million times, and even get some well-meaning, but naïve Jews, to believe it. The article published this week in the Jerusalem Post announces a gigantic campaign to be sponsored and delivered by Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights in conjunction with Im Tirtzu, Israel’s foremost Zionist organization with boots on the ground in Israel, it being the foundation and center of the Jewish people As for the Deal of the Century - DoC, there is good in it, but there is much that is bad. The good is that it recognizes Israel’s rights to annex the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as well as the Jordan Valley. However, in the same vein, it should -- but it does not -- recognize the fact that there already exists a Palestinian Arab state which is, yes, the Kingdom of Jordan.


Goal and Method of Our Campaign is as follows:

To read the full content of the campaign, please click here. We have taken it upon ourselves to fight the Big Lies! And now we reach out to you, one and all, to please support the cause, The cause is YOUR cause as well as OURS. Even if we don’t reach total or instant victory, if we unite forces now, it will be a good first step and others will follow….. We are often being asked: “What can we do?” As this is a mammoth undertaking, and will be pursued for years to come, We turn to each of you -- all truth - and justice - loving brethren………to join us in this gigantic endeavour! We offer the opportunity of a variety of sponsorships to choose from, with appropriate recognition…. If you have supported us before, please repeat your support. If you have not, this is the time to do so. If not now, when? No amount is too little, no amount is too much. For the full program of our campaign, please click here.


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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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