Jewish Pride on Display

On January 28th, an enthusiastic crowd attended the third evening of the 6 part series entitled, The Antisemitism Toolbox, organized by Jews Agnes Imani, co-presented by Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation and other Jewish organizations. The five pro-Zionist speakers all embraced the concept of standing strong for Israel, being a proud Jew, defending truth, using historical and legal facts, showing courage to speak up, and promoting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism.
As Daniel Bordman, Communications Coordinator for CAEF said, “the new antisemitism IS the old antisemitism”, our enemies have never been in favour of a Jewish state, and that was clear already in 1920 following the Allied Powers’ signing the San Remo Resolution to re-constitute the Jewish state in Israel. The Arabs who initially supported the idea, very quickly rejected the decision. It was soon after that England reneged on its commitment to implement the Mandate for Palestine in full, as it proceeded to slice off 2/3 of the Mandate to create the Emirate, later the Kingdom, of Jordan, reducing what was left for the Jews to an ever smaller area, to appease the Arab leadership. Then in 1941, the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was granted approval by Hitler to kill the Jews resident in Palestine and all who arrived from Europe, and his successors to this day, haven’t completely renounced the task.
Bordman described the current Red-Green Alliance, the antisemitic partnership of the socialist left and Islamist radicals. Together, they form a more dangerous and insidious enemy than the extreme right, which in Europe is manifested in a resurgence of Neo-Nazism. We might remember, not so fondly, that National Socialism is what became Nazism. Today, the extreme right and extreme left are again holding hands; hence David Duke, former head of the KKK, celebrates the antisemitism of Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam and his cohort, Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Congresswoman (Dem).
The Antisemitism Toolbox program has three more compelling sessions, and CAEF is proud to be engaged.

The Deal - Is it Real?
There is no shortage of reporting and analysis on the proposed “Deal of the Century,” officially The Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future, so CAEF is providing very limited information here with a few comments.
Below are three maps produced in the Times of Israel article by Martin Kramer on January 29, 2020 in which he illustrates that from the Peel Commission of 1937 to the UN Partition Plan of 1947, the Trump Plan of 2020 is not so divergent. The plan has been met with mixed enthusiasm, more widely embraced by Israelis and denounced by Arab Palestinians. Many Sunni Arab countries, friendly with Israel and the US, are showing support which is very new and not to be ignored. Israel’s leftist enemies such as Jeremy Corbyn and Ilhan Omar were vitriolic in their condemnation, while Democratic leaders such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were cautiously optimistic.

Prior to the release of the Plan, Im Tirtzu, a Zionist organization in Israel, released this video that states 6 Facts that You Need to Know About Israel’s Legal Rights, which might well serve as a template against which to consider the 180 page “Deal of the Century.”

A Book that Teaches the History of Antisemitism - A Short Must Read

Diane Bederman’s new book outlines the history of antisemitism which has metastasized into anti-Zionism. Read the review here.
On January 23rd, Diane Bederman gave an excellent, informative presentation at Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue that covered the history of antisemitism and its deadly consequences. Bederman highlighted the resurgence of Jew-hatred as the world marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation o
f Auschwitz. She affirmed that “silence is collusion” and connected the dots from one generation of antisemitism to another, dispelling the myth that the left is always anti-racist. Historically and today, a great deal of leftist antisemitism merely masquerades as anti-Zionism, but let’s call it out--its Jew-hatred. Read here.
