Goldi Steiner just returned from Israel enriched and delighted to have participated in Im Tirtzu’s Annual Conference. There she met a number of important allies in CILR's struggle to educate Israeli youth about The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel.


On October 10, 2018, Im Tirtzu-- one of Israel’s most prominent Zionist organizations and CILR's Israeli partner organization -- held its Annual Conference, which Goldi Steiner had the privilege to attend. There she mingled with hundreds of university students -- followers of Im Tirtzu -- who were buzzing around, setting up the reception, decorating the hall, greeting guests, and snapping photos with their cameras.

The keynote speaker, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, spoke with high regard for the Trump Administration, and its support for Israel and her own staunch support for standing up for Israel’s Rights to the Land.
When asked how the GOI could help in CILR's work, she responded:
“I have to think about it”
CILR will follow up for a firm response.
The event was widely covered by:
World Israel News, Arutz 7 (in English), Jerusalemonline and Israpundit.

Shaked believes if Israel seeks to restore its historic rights to the land and to stop the de-legitimization campaign against it, legislation alone will not be sufficient. She feels, Diaspora NGOs are critical to this struggle and their importance should not be under-estimated!
Prominent Middle East scholar, Guy Bechor, also addressed the Im Tirtzu Conference saying that the Middle East and Europe are changing and with prospects for better things to come. He too was presented with the book, The JPRLI and thanked profusely, saying: “this is the book I need”.

Goldi Steiner told all student activists there, including the hundreds of applicants for the CILR Prizes and the winners themselves:
“Israel is the owner of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: biblically, historically and legally under international law. We must debunk the lies of OCCUPATION! The Jewish people have an undeniable and indisputable right to the Land of Israel.” “Spread your acquired knowledge among your peers, among adults and youth alike, and among your family members. Do not stop until every citizen, as well as people all over the world understand the facts."

Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, presented the Justice Minister with a copy of the book, The Jewish People's Rights to the land of Israel by Salomon Benzimra.

An uplifting moment was the CILR Award Presentation to students winning prizes offered to them for reading the book and answering a quiz based on its contents.
Goldi continued, saying:
“You are the BULWARK against the Anti-Zionist movements, i.e. BDS, JStreet, B’Tselem, Machsom Watch, Breaking the Silence and IfNotNow, as well as others, who, out of maliciousness or ignorance, spread false information. “Knowledge gives you the power to stand up STRONG in the face of our many enemies." “You are the future of Israel! You are tomorrow’s electorate, and tomorrow’s leaders. And among you is tomorrow’s Prime Minister— who we hope, one day, will proclaim to the entire world loud and clear, that the Jewish People have indisputable rights to the land of Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!”

During this trip, condolences were delivered and a contribution was made by Goldi Steiner to the Fuld family on behalf of friends of CILR.
Goldi Steiner - Founder and Chair
Irving Weisdorf - Co-Chair
Thank you letter from IMTI to CILR

Dear Goldi, On behalf of all of us at the Im Tirtzu movement, we wanted to send you a warm and sincere thank you for attending and speaking at our Annual Conference. Our Annual Conference symbolizes the culmination of a year filled with unwavering Zionist activity, and your presence greatly added not only to the atmosphere of the event, but more importantly to the event's direction and focus. Although initially the "Legal Rights Award Ceremony" was slated to be one of the many, yet important, aspects of the conference, in the end the focus on the Legal Rights Campaign naturally gravitated to become one of the conference's main focuses, along with speeches from Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Dr. Guy Bechor. This was undoubtedly due to your presence, and we believe that this also speaks volumes of the importance of the campaign. Your encouraging words to the students, which the many applauses indicated, were inspiring and resonated with not only the students but with all of the 400 guests in the room. As we were told after the conference by one of the guests, it is encouraging to know that Israel is not alone, and that there are Zionists all over the world working to help protect Israel. We look forward to our ongoing partnership and to continue our important mission of educating Israelis – students, adults and decision makers alike – about the Jewish People's legal rights to the Land of Israel. With sincere appreciation,
Matan Peleg CEO

Eytan Meir Dir. External Relations & Development
