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March 16, 2018,

Dear Friends and Associates:

After nearly a decade of non-stop efforts, we’re on our way to launch a campaign - never done before in Israel or elsewhere…

No stone will be left unturned until this project comes to fruition.

Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights has developed this project in collaboration with Im Tirtzu, a respected Israeli NGO, devoted to educating Israeli youth.

The program will educate and empower our youth - the leaders and electorate of tomorrow - with the necessary knowledge and tools, to debunk the lies and myths emanating from UNWRA/PA textbooks, from the international media, and sadly, even from the leftist Israeli media.


Campaign 2018 will be launched days before Yom Ha’atzmaut (April 16, 2018), with the distribution of thousands of Salomon Benzimra’s book, The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, in Hebrew.

It will be distributed among students at all major Israeli universities and channeled through other NGOs.  The distribution will be followed by lectures.  A Contest will be held and several prizes and scholarships will be offered to motivate participation, and a short dynamic video will be created for this project, which will be posted on social media.

Simultaneously, we plan to publish and post the English version of the book on and  This effort is in progress.

Among our goals is to reach out to the local Jewish and general community, with sights on Jewish and non-Jewish schools, in order to provide our youth with the tools they need to counter the prevailing Arab narrative that demonizes and delegitimizes the state of Israel.

We need the support of all who believe in the POWER OF EDUCATION – according to time-honoured Jewish tradition, it is through education that we have the power to change the world for the better. That is our mission.

To that end, we are creating a CILR Scholarship Fund, with the possibility to honour a family, or the memory of a loved one.

(Our thanks to all those who have already made their contribution.)


Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights was founded in 2009 by the late Salomon Benzimra, and Goldi Steiner, to educate Jewish youth and the general public about Israel’s Legal Rights Under International Law. This effort has been ongoing ever since.

Irving Weisdorf has joined Israel’s Legal Rights campaign as Co-Chair, a welcome addition in support of the imperative of this worthy cause.

Please consider this as an invitation to become a FRIEND or SUPPORTER, or become a MEMBER by joining us, with a donation of your choice. The expected outcome will be the result of your partnering in this history-changing campaign.

For donations, we will be contacting you, and you may also send us a cheque issued to Mizrachi.

Charitable tax receipts will be issued for both Canada and US donations.

Goldi Steiner - Founder and Chair     

Irving Weisdorf - Co-Chair

Donations can be mailed to:

Goldi Steiner (CILR)    10 Prue Ave, Unit 701,    Toronto, Ontario,    M6B 1R4

For more information contact Goldi:


And watch for Part II follow-up!

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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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